Monday, July 24, 2017
In Memory of Our Friend, Jim Vance
In remembering Jim Vance, Robert Kennedy wanted to share his photo receiving a Special Olympics medal from him in the early 70's. Robert is on the right.
One Day Left to Take Action: Call, Email, Tweet, Drop Into In-State Offices To #SAVEMEDICAID
Sharing from: ANCOR American Network of Community Options and Resources
TOMORROW (7/25) Senator McConnell will bring a health care bill up to a vote. No one knows which of three bills he will bring up, but regardless they will all harm people with disabilities either through deep cuts and caps to Medicaid or by removing essential health benefits protections.
The graphic below gives a more detailed breakdown of the three possible bills. We know we have been saying to take action a lot these past few months, because each time your voices mattered and we gained more time.
We now have only ONE DAY left to take action so CALL, EMAIL, TWEET, DROP INTO IN-STATE OFFICES TO #SAVEMEDICAID – BE HEARD LOUDLY, CLEARLY AND OFTEN TODAY! We cannot afford to put this off! Find all the tools you need at
Saturday, July 22, 2017
D.C. May Remove Civil Commitment Requirement for People with Intellectual Disabilities
Check out Robert, who is featured in a Street Sense article advocating to end mandatory civil commitment for people with intellectual disabilities who receive service in the District. Click below to learn more about this bill and supported decision making!
The D.C. Council may change the city’s status as the only jurisdiction in the country that requires those with intellectual disabilities to be civilly committed in order to receive city services.
The council’s Committee on Human Services is reviewing a bill that would remove the city’s mandate that people with at least moderate intellectual disabilities be civilly committed in order to acquire services from Medicaid and the Department of Disability Services. A committed person is placed in a licensed home by the court, obtains an attorney and attends review hearings with judges at least annually.
Under the legislation proposed by Mayor Muriel Bowser in March, people who are currently committed would choose whether to remain in the system, and in the future, commitments would only be mandated if individuals commit a crime and are found incompetent to stand a court trial.
To read more on this story, click here: D.C. May Remove Civil Commitment Requirement for People with Intellectual Disabilities
Experts Release Report Detailing BCRA Impact in Key Swing State
People with significant disabilities are at risk in Ohio, what about where you live?
Given the announced postponement of the Senate vote on the Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA), the American Network of Community Options and Resources (ANCOR) will utilize every day of this week to share credible data and analysis from various sources detailing the impact of the BCRA on children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities that Senators should consider when casting their votes.
A report issued today by the Center for Epidemiological Research for Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (CERIIDD) shows that 76% of children with intellectual or developmental disabilities in Ohio would NOT be protected from caps or cuts to Medicaid, despite claims that “children with significant disabilities” are exempt from the legislation.
To read more on this story, click here: Experts Release Report Detailing BCRA Impact in Key Swing State
Friday, July 14, 2017
Meet Donald an Adorable Little Boy with Special Needs Who Was Given Up By His Birth Parents
Donald's birth parents gave him up when he was five. But Donald found a new family and formed a special bond with his father. via HeartThreads
Thursday, July 13, 2017
Raising Awareness for Disabilities
Sharing from: Quality Trust for Individuals with Disabilities
07-12-17 — Celebrating brave individuals who put their abilities first is a for Steven Powe and Tina Campanella, CEO and President, of Quality Trust for Individuals with Disabilities. Today she joined us to talk about the importance of improving the lives of children, youth and adults with disabilities.
To take a look at the video, click here: Raising Awareness for Disabilities
Why Americans With Disabilities Fear Medicaid Cuts
The Senate’s health-care bill includes changes to the federal program, raising concerns among those who rely on it.
On a recent Thursday afternoon, 43 demonstrators were arrested outside of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s office. They shouted “No cuts to Medicaid!” as Capitol Police lifted some from wheelchairs and removed them from the building. The activists were quick to point out that the vans used to transport them were wheelchair accessible, which they attributed to decades of similar direct action.
To read more on this story, click here: Why Americans With Disabilities Fear Medicaid Cuts

Wednesday, July 12, 2017
Washington, DC: Revitalizing Community Membership (RCM) Has Openings for Registered Nurses
Washington, DC: Revitalizing Community Membership (RCM) Has Openings for Registered Nurses is currently looking for dedicated, hardworking, and caring RN's. Link to apply below!
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Friday, July 7, 2017
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