vody/> RCM - Revitalizing Community Membership: Empowering Independence: May 2017

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Join Us at the Save Medicaid Hill Day and Rally on June 6th

We will be there on June 6th, will you?! #saveourservices #savemedicaid #advocacy #ancor

On Tuesday, June 6th, ANCOR along with its partners the Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities, Center for Public Representation, the Autistic Self Advocacy Network, the Arc of the U.S., AUCD, ACLU, NHelp, and others will be holding a disability advocacy rally in Washington, DC for its Capitol Hill Day in the U.S. Senate to save Medicaid.

As I am sure you are aware, the AHCA has been passed along to the Senate for input and the current version contains provisions related to services that significantly impact our community and those whom we support, including over $800 billion in cuts to Medicaid and a shift in costs to states. We need voices and numbers to influence the process and push the Senate to either stop the existing bill in its tracks or make substantial changes to it so that it does not harm those persons we serve.

To read more on this story, click here: Save Medicaid Hill Day and Rally


Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Come Join Us Tomorrow for a Conversation About Citizenship: How Can We Help All People Obtain Full Citizenship?

How Can We Help All People Obtain Full Citizenship?

Come join us tomorrow for a conversation about citizenship at 1:00 p.m. at our offices located at 64 New York Avenue, Washington, DC, 20002.  How can we help all people obtain full citizenship?

We traveled to three cities, asking people to define what it means to be a United States citizen. We got their responses, now tell us what it means to you to be a citizen!


Friday, May 12, 2017

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Happy Nurses Week!


RCM Meet Thelma, She Relies on Supports from Medicaid to Live Independently

RCM of Washington Inc shared The Arc of the United States's video.

Meet Thelma. She relies on supports from Medicaid to live independently. The American Health Care Act, which passed the House of Representatives last week, cuts over $800 billion from Medicaid and would be devastating for Thelma.

Share now to #JoinOurFight and tell the Senate to save Medicaid http://bit.ly/2lch9tE

The wonderful, Thelma! #savemedicaid #joinourfight


Meet the Community Empowerment Opportunities Scholarship Recipient, Trevon!


Meet Trevon, The First Annual Recipient of the RCM Community Empowerment Opportunities Scholarship

RCM is excited to introduce you to Trevon, who is the first annual recipient of the RCM Community Empowerment Opportunities Scholarship! He is a senior at Ballou High School in SE DC who has a love for metro trains, drumming, and family. He is the Co-section Leader of the Ballou marching band, an active member of his church, and a participant in the Willing and Aspiring Teen-son’s Mentor Program.

In his personal statement, Trevon spoke about how being in the Special Education program in high school isn’t easy and how he often gets teased at school. “Unlike most kids, I learn a lot slower than others, and sometimes it takes me longer to understand a concept. I have to work ten times harder in order to be on the same level as the general students.” And work hard he has, becoming the first student with an intellectual disability to be named a DC Achiever last year. Ms. Bean, one of his teachers wrote; “His curiosity and determination fuel his desire to learn. Even though Trevon has an intellectual disability, he does not let anything stand in his way. He wants to attend college so that he can become a productive citizen. His ultimate goal is to be successful in life.”

The scholarship committee was very impressed and inspired by Trevon’s leadership skills and positive achievements within his school and community. The Board of Directors Scholarship Committee is pleased to award him $3,000 to help him achieve his goal of graduating from college!

“When I found out that I was selected to receive the Community Empowerment Opportunities Scholarship, I couldn’t believe it. I was so happy to hear that I can get up to $3,000 from RCM of Washington, Inc. to go to college. I am honored to be the recipient of this wonderful scholarship. The money that I receive will help me to accomplish my goal of going to college. I want to achieve my dream of working at Metro or becoming a computer technician. My college experience will help me to become more independent, and it will prepare me to enter the world of work. It will help me to become a more knowledgeable, confident and responsible person. I would like to thank everyone for this great opportunity!” – Trevon


Wednesday, May 10, 2017

The Insulting Childbirth Experiences Mothers With Disabilities Endure

Sharing, Something we can back!

Nikki and Darrell’s bill, the Parenting With Disabilities bill, would try to prevent Child Protective Services calls on parents with disabilities by helping parents apply for adaptive parenting equipment and allowing personal care assistants to assist with minor parenting tasks. It would be the first law of its kind in the U.S.

Shortly after Nikki Villavicencio gave birth via C-section, there was a complication. Her daughter, Alexandria, was coughing up blood, and Alley's stomach was swelling. Nikki's doctors wanted to transfer Alley to the children’s hospital across town. Already afraid for their baby, Nikki and her partner, Darrell Paulsen, panicked. Both parents have significant physical disabilities: Nikki, then 27, has arthrogryposis, a condition that immobilizes some of her joints. She uses her feet for almost all functions people typically perform with their hands, from texting to handling utensils to applying makeup. Darrell, then 42, has cerebral palsy, which affects muscle tone and movement. Because they both use wheelchairs, they couldn’t ride with Alley in the ambulance.

To read more on this story, click here: The Insulting Childbirth Experiences Mothers With Disabilities Endure


Sunday, May 7, 2017

What Happens When a Child With Autism Grows Up?

When a child with autism grows up, there are a number of different levels of functionality, depending on a number of factors. Here's what to consider.

To see the video, click here: What Happens When a Child With Autism Grows Up?


Wishing All of Our Nurses a Happy Nurses Week!

Wishing a 'Happy Nurses Week' to all of our nurses. Thank you for the love, care and dedication that you give each day. You are truly appreciated!


Little Girl is Picked on Because of Her Dwarfism, But Sends a Message with this Fun Dance

Five-year-old Rilee was born with Achondroplasia, a form of short-limbed dwarfism, that has stunted her growth. But it has not stopped her from dancing around and being a wonderful little girl.

In celebration of Dwarfness Awareness Month (October), Rilee prepared a special dance and message for viewers all around the world. Dancing to Taylor Swift’s “Shake It Off,” Riley and her mother Angela hope that people can better understand dwarfism.

To see the video, click here: Little Girl is Picked on Because of Her Dwarfism, But Sends a Message with this Fun Dance


Thursday, May 4, 2017

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Mom's Love for Special Needs Son Pushes Local Barbershop to go a Cut Above

Wheaton, MD., (WUSA) - Friendly Faces Barbershop and Salon may look like your average shop when you walk through its doors.  

At first glance, there's nothing distinct about it. But, this business equips its barbers and stylists in its kiddie salon with a special skill you will not find in many other shops.

"Mr. Dyls, haircut," as a barber calls out to his 11-year-old customer Dylan Harris.

"I wanted to find someone who took him in with open arms.  Someone who would actually jump into his world," says his mom Shante' Harris.

Barber Tyrone Davis would be that person Shante' would teach to connect to her son's world. Dylan was a healthy baby, developing on track until he hit 17 months. He started losing his words and avoiding eye contact.

"He had regressive Autism," Shante' Harris says.

To read more on this story, click here: Mom's Love for Special Needs Son Pushes Local Barbershop to go a Cut Above


Trump’s America Not So Great for People with Disabilities: Healthcare Bill Threatens Millions

“I get the sense that my government would rather that I die.” That’s how Alana Theriault, a 50-year-old woman with spinal muscular atrophy, feels about proposed cuts of US$880 billion in Medicaid funding to US states.

If a version of the Trump administration’s proposed American Health Care Act (AHCA) bill eventually passes, it could mean that Theriault can no longer work, get dressed, or even breathe at night.

To read more on this story, click here: Trump’s America Not So Great for People with Disabilities Healthcare Bill Threatens Millions


Thank You Michael Washington and All RCM Direct Support Professionals and Community Navigators

All the DSP winners from each state. Please take the time to thank a DSP for the support they provide daily, none of us knows when we will need that support. #importantwork Thank you Michael Washington and all RCM Direct Support Professionals and Community Navigators!


Get Involved, Become a Volunteer!

RCM is currently working with Volunteers from AmeriCorps, Georgetown University Students in the International Health program and the School of Nursing and Health Studies, local High School Students. 

If you are interested in volunteering or and Internship Opportunity, please complete the form and submit your inquiry or write to us to the address below, and one of our representatives will get in touch. 

RCM of Washington, Inc.
64 New York Ave NE, Suite 100
Washington, DC 20002

                                      READY TO SIGN UP? Click HERE!


Michael Washington, DC Direct Support Professional of the Year Accepting His Award!

Michael Washington, the DC Direct Support Professional of the Year accepts his award at ANCOR. 

Michael is all about relationship and confidence building. He uses humor to help with working on challenging goals. RCM is so proud of Michael and the skills he exemplifies.

                       Michael with Angela King, ANCOR Board President.


Thank You Seasoned Settlers for Inviting Us to the Nationals Game!

We would like to send a special thank you to Seasoned Settlers (seasonedsettlers.org) for inviting us to the Nationals game. The guys and our staff had a great time!


Make Sure AHCA Does NOT Come Up for A Vote Week of May 1st

Following recent negotiations, House Republican Leadership is currently trying to revisit the AHCA for a vote the week of May 1st after cancelling an initial vote on March 24th because of lack of support. The newest version of the bill allows states to waive out of essential health benefits and weaken preexisting condition requirements. Because the bill, as written, would be harmful to people with IDD, ask your U.S. Representative to confirm a Vote of NO and keep this bill off of the House floor.

For more information, click here: Make Sure AHCA Does NOT Come Up for A Vote Week of May 1st


Michael Washington, DC Direct Support Professional of the Year

RCM's own Michael Washington, DC Direct Support Professional of the year is at the ANCOR conference in San Antonio, TX to accept his award. Please thank him for the valuable work he does!


Please Join Us in Congratulating Bernard, Who Received his Leadership Award!

Please join us in congratulating Bernard, who received his Leadership Award on April 25th. This is an amazing achievement! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽🎯🎉 


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